My 2nd Great Grandmother Elizabeth Mooney was born in Dundee in 1873 to John Mooney & Mary Scott.
So far, I have been unable to locate a Birth or Baptism record for Elizabeth, nor can I find a Marriage Record for John and Mary.
I have also searched for a Birth and Baptism record for "Elizabeth Scott" in the case her parents were not married at the time of her birth, but I simply cannot find anything.
I have searched ScotlandsPeople, FindMyPast, Ancestry, FamilySearch and also RootsIreland, in case her parents moved to Scotland at some point from Ireland, but have been unsuccessful in finding any records regarding this family.
Last week, I found an 1881 Census in Glasgow from Smyllum Orphanage where a "Lizzie Mooney" was listed as a scholar and who's age matches up nicely with my Elizabeth Mooney. It also listed her birthplace as Dundee so I am 99% sure this is the correct person. The Smyllum Orphanage 1881 Census also lists a John Mooney from Dundee as a scholar there who is 3 years older than Elizabeth, so I am going on the basis that they could be siblings.
I also found Marriage and Death certificates for her sibling John Mooney, but neither of these records list anyone as his parents and the section is left blank. This leads me to believe that Elizabeth somehow discovered her parent's names somewhere between 1895 and 1897, the latter of which being the year she was married. Both of Elizabeth's Marriage and Death records list her parent's names clearly. I am also unable to find her sibling John's birth record.
I also know from Elizabeth's Marriage record in 1897 that her parents were both deceased by the time of her marriage.
Her Father, John Mooney, is listed as having the occupation of "Gardener" on Elizabeth's records, and I recently found an 1891 Census from Cambuslang in Lanark of a John Mooney who is a Gardener. I have no idea if this is Elizabeth's Father or not, but it's all I have to go on. The 1891 Cambuslang Census entry says that John was either 41, 47 or 49 at the time the Census was taken. It's rather difficult to read as his age has been partially crossed out.
As for Mary Scott, I have absolutely no information about her apart from her name. After searching ScotlandsPeople, I did find that a particular "Margaret Scott" in Dundee had a handful of illegitimate children whose surnames were all listed as "Scott" on their birth records. I know these children shared the same mother due to their birth location, date range of their births, and their Mother's listed occupation (Factory Worker). I'm not sure whether "Mary" and "Margaret" are interchangeable, but ultimately I assume not. I may just be clutching at straws.
If you have read this far then I thank you. I would appreciate any pointers or information anyone could provide regarding these people. It's rather frustrating hitting a brick wall after only going back a few generations.
Kind regards,